Saturday, April 17, 2010

And I am officially a "soccer mom", tho ill-prepared

Bailey had her first soccer game today. It was freezing! 49 degrees with a windchill that had to have brought it down another 10 degrees. I didn't bring hats or gloves for anyone. No blanket for us sitting on the sidelines. No cash for the concession stand. I totally failed. Bailey doesn't really know though, she just had a good time. They were so cute, a little herd of children running around the field chasing the ball. No goalies, no scores...just good fun. My favorite was when she was going the wrong way. haha. I said before they even started I bet she runs the wrong way if she gets it, sure enough. Grandma treated us to Pizza Hut after the game since Bailey played so well.
Miss Megan is so sick. She's scaring me. She fell asleep playing rockband, literally fell asleep on top of the guitar. It was very pitiful, and that child is not one to just crash so she must not be feeling well at all. Her temp is around 102 right now so we are keeping a close eye on her. Kip is sick too and I haven't felt the best, while Bailey has a cough. Who wants to come over?!?
We did manage to make up my Amish Friendship Bread that we have been *mushing* for 10 days. Today was finally the day and it is yummy. I read on the internet that you can make it without the starter part so I might have to experiment and see if they are right.
Off to do a little relaxing.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

it feels like summer

The picture above is the "almost" sleepover the girls had. As it turns out it wasn't a good idea and Megan is still too little for sleepovers with big sis, what a shocker...not really.

Today was a fantastic day and not one single picture to be had. It was just beautiful out, 80's with a nice breeze. After school Bailey had a play date and so we packed up a lunch and went to the park. We ended up having a super playdate because 2 other friends were at the park and they went crazy. The kids played for 2 hours and Megan had finally had enough. When we got home Meg didn't see more than 2 minutes of Dora before passing out on the couch.

Later Bailey had her very first soccer practice, cutest thing ever! I was so worried because the coach didn't seem to be very organized but she was just the nicest person. She was very kind and patient and she made Bailey feel very welcome with the other girls. It was very cute to see them all play. Poor Megan kept saying all day "play soccer ball with Bailey." She didn't even notice she wasn't with the big girls. I was smart and brought her Dora ball with us so she would have something to kick around. The practice was only about 15 minutes and her first game will be on Saturday.

Not much else to report, pretty normal day. I'm tired from all the fresh air. I'm not sure how late I'm going to make it tonight.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yay it's Tuesday!

Not really. Tuesday isn't really that great other than it's no longer Monday. Although Glee and parenthood are both on tonight, that's exciting! And it's really amazing what is considered exciting to me now that I have kids. Ten years ago exciting would have been an impromptu trip to the casino at 2am, or going to see a concert at the last second. Now exciting is getting to watch a television show about a Glee Club lol. Funny how life changes.

This past weekend we spent Saturday doing some shopping in South Bend. It was a good time, although I was pretty tired. We finally ate at 5 Guys Burgers and Fries and it was super good. I have a feeling every time I cheat on my diet from now on it is going to be there. And by diet I mean trying to eat healthy and as clean as possible, not fad dieting, I don't do that. So after lunch we ventured to the mall and got some new spring clothes for everyone. I only got a couple of shirts at AE. It's hard because a) I tend to buy work clothes when I get new stuff even though I really need casual clothes and b) I intend on being at least a size smaller in the next month or two so I really don't want to buy a whole lot of stuff. After the mall we went to get Bailey her soccer stuff and then out to dinner.

Megan took a good sized chunk out of her head yesterday. The poor thing doesn't have much hair to begin with she doesnt need any help! I cannot wait for nice weather so we can go outside, the children need fresh air. Bailey is actually playing with a friend right now and they are getting along so well, I'm very happy about this.

Here's a layout I did for Studio Calico's sketch challenge. I kid you not this layout took me 3 hours, AND I WAS COPYING FROM A SKETCH! I hate circles and this didn't come out anything like I envisioned it in my head. Oh well, it's for the kids anyways. Another memory down, a million more to go.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy belated Easter. Spring break is almost over, although it wasn't really much of a spring break for us in rainy Michigan.

We had a great weekend with my sister, brother in law, niece and nephew. The girls got along so well as did the little ones. We ended up at Curious Kids Discovery Zone on Saturday since it was pouring down rain. The kids had loads of fun and road the merry go round. When we were leaving there was a "live statue" in the lobby area. Bailey no sooner asked if he was real when he moved and waved at them. The poor thing freaked out! She started crying and hid behind me while the 2 year olds laughed and waved at him. The little ones thought he was just the best. It was quite humorous.

Bailey stayed the night at Kip's parent's house on Sunday and went golfing and out to a movie. I took Megan to the library and the park. I watched The Hurt Locker was so good even though I had issues watching it. I thought my blood pressure was going to sky rocket it was so suspenseful at times. Watched Into the Wild last night which was very disappointing. Music was good but that's about it. I really wanted to love it too which made it even more of a disappointment.

Today we are heading to meet friends for lunch at McD's so the kids can play (it is still raining). Then Bailey is going to stay the night at her friend's house and we are going to come back and relax. I cleaned the whole house last night in anticipation for my Studio Calico kit which is driving around St Joseph right now. New pics ordered and all. It's going to be a scrappy day!
I better get showered and the last of this laundry done so I can truly relax today!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Robot Hands

Megan wears 1/2 of the ZhuZhu pet hamster ball on her head and runs around saying "Robot Megan" all the time. I don't know if the hamster has ever even been in the ball. In the above picture she is showing me "robot hands." She's a trip.

Jane is coming down tomorrow for Easter. It will be the first holiday they have spent down here with us. We are all very excited for them to visit. I think Bailey is counting down the seconds before her cousin gets here. The problem is we are supposed to get rain on Saturday...grr. So I'm thinking maybe curious kids museum will be in order, or maybe Alvin and the Chipmunks II. Bailey hasn't seen it yet and its the kids movie this week. At any rate I'm sure we will have lots of fun!

Bailey spent the day at Livinia's house today. They had her, Olivia, and Zachary over to play. It looks like they had a super fun time outside all day (it was 80 degrees...unbelievable!). Considering that she fell asleep in approx 5 seconds upon hitting the pillow I would call it a success! I'm so happy she has such great friends already. I'm hoping they all can remain close for many years to come.

Happy Good Friday!