The children are WILD today. Of course its the day that Kip leaves me alone with them. They are both taking naps right now, even after listening to how "not tired" Bailey was for an hour, she fell asleep first. I might bribe them to go to the scrapbook store with me today. It's a bit of a drive but it would do some good to get them out of the house for a while and the parks are just too muddy for me yet.
I ran today. After being sick all week and only getting 3 hours of sleep last night I managed 3.7 miles outside. It felt so good. I can't wait until it stays light enough at night for me to go after dinner again. It was the perfect relaxation time for me last spring.
I did some reflecting of kindness today while out running. There is this house by Bailey's school that is always decorated for every single holiday. They currently have a St. Patrick's Day flag outside. There was a man working on the yard today when I ran by. After thinking for a moment I decided to turn around and thank him for always decorating his home and told him that my girls love it. He thanked me and said that was why he kept doing it. He said his children were older now but he kept it up for the little ones that he knows sees it. Good people. It's little things like this that I think are important. I think we forget to compliment and thank people daily. I can't tell you how many people Bailey makes smile when we go out because she will compliment something about them. She will say that she likes their shirt, or their shoes, or name it. It's so her, and it's genuinley kind. I didn't teach her to do it, she just does it because she likes people. I think I am going to take her advice and do more things like this from now on. Last fall I stopped and told an older woman how much we love her home. It's the most quaint house you can imagine. It reminds me of a little cabin type home in England. All I did was stop to tell her how charming we thought her home was and she told me that her grandfather had built it for her grandmother. She had found a home pattern in Better Homes and Gardens that she liked, so he built it. So sweet and all the more meaningful that the lady still has that house in her family.
I will never forget when Kip's friend told him that our house always looked really nice. He said he was amazed that I work full time and have two little kids and still any time he has ever been to our house it has been clean. He will never know how much that compliment he gave my husband means to me. I work very hard to keep our house clean, not spotless, but clean and healthy. It's not a mansion or one of the fancy beachfront homes you see popping up all over, but it is ours and I am grateful for the fact that we have a place to call home. So thank you Dave, your words will probably stay with me forever.
I guess the message today is stop and thank someone for something you would never think to. I'm going to make it my goal to thank or compliment someone twice a week from now on. (I mean beyond telling a cashier thank you at the checkout...something more meaningful. I always tell people thank you.)