Friday, September 24, 2010

scrapbook space

There is a discussion going on about small scrapbook spaces. We all share a basement together, no fancy room for me. I like that I get to be with my family. I don't think I would ever scrapbook if I were by myself somewhere. So this is our lovely basement. (We didn't really think we would still be here or that pink carpet would be gone by now.)

As you can see my side is on the left and Kip's side is on the right. Sometimes this is good and sometimes...well he plays games and yells.

This is the top of my desk. We bought this folding table as a make-do type thing until I could find the desk I really wanted. Again we thought we were moving and didn't want to buy furniture until after that. The little box houses my newest Studio Calico kit and the tins have pens/twine/jute in them.

Here is a better picture of the whole area. Nothing fancy but it works. I don't know how I have scrapped for 7 years and this is all I have but it's true! The blue tub has my sc kits in it. I need to figure out a better place for it but my cat is addicted to chewing on plastic and she isn't allowed near my kits! It's the only place that is safe. I keep my ink pads in the bread box. I tried to put my mists in there but they were too tall with the lids on and I couldn't handle having them without lids on. You can't see it but my sewing machine is on the floor. I just pull it up to use it. The pink basket is recycling.

And then what isn't photo'd is the rest of the room which houses all of the children's toys, our tv, wii equipment, kid's computer and craft desk, and couch.

So there it is. I didn't even clean it up for you. :)