Happy belated Easter. Spring break is almost over, although it wasn't really much of a spring break for us in rainy Michigan.
We had a great weekend with my sister, brother in law, niece and nephew. The girls got along so well as did the little ones. We ended up at Curious Kids Discovery Zone on Saturday since it was pouring down rain. The kids had loads of fun and road the merry go round. When we were leaving there was a "live statue" in the lobby area. Bailey no sooner asked if he was real when he moved and waved at them. The poor thing freaked out! She started crying and hid behind me while the 2 year olds laughed and waved at him. The little ones thought he was just the best. It was quite humorous.
Bailey stayed the night at Kip's parent's house on Sunday and went golfing and out to a movie. I took Megan to the library and the park. I watched The Hurt Locker finally...it was so good even though I had issues watching it. I thought my blood pressure was going to sky rocket it was so suspenseful at times. Watched Into the Wild last night which was very disappointing. Music was good but that's about it. I really wanted to love it too which made it even more of a disappointment.
Today we are heading to meet friends for lunch at McD's so the kids can play (it is still raining). Then Bailey is going to stay the night at her friend's house and we are going to come back and relax. I cleaned the whole house last night in anticipation for my Studio Calico kit which is driving around St Joseph right now. New pics ordered and all. It's going to be a scrappy day!
I better get showered and the last of this laundry done so I can truly relax today!
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