Life has changed since my last post. I lost my job and have been staying at home for the past 4 weeks. Craziness. I am enjoying my time with Megan and am excited for school to be out so we will have Bailey home with us too! I am casually looking for a job. I still really want to go back to school but if the right opportunity came along I certainly wouldn't pass it by. For right now we are just waiting to see what happens.
After going back and forth for about the millionth time we have decided not to sell our house. Seriously, sometimes my husband makes me crazy. I am glad that we are going to stay here a bit. Our house is really a good size for us. We could use a bit more room but it's doable. We are going to work on redoing one room at a time. Right now the focus is the yard. It is a disaster and the rain won't stop. We had new windows installed this week and our room is freshly painted. Just a matter of finishing the final details and we will have one room complete!
We also purchased a mini van. I wasn't super excited at first. I really wanted that cute little mazda 3 that went zoom zoom! But it wasn't really practical for our needs. The Pathfinder only has so many road trips left on it and we were cramped on our drive to Myrtle Beach. We ended up with a Town and Country, fully loaded van. It's nice and roomy. In fact we can't wait to have to drive somewhere to justify the purchase. Dave Ramsey wouldn't be happy with us but we were fairly smart about it. One paid off car/one car payment. It's not too terrible.
Next week starts the week of changing our bodies. I'm not fitting into any of my clothes and I am tired of feeling tired all of the time. I'm not sure if I will be able to run with my leg, but we will be doing some sort of exercize. The food is the biggest change. We are going all CLEAN. Yup. Cleaning out the cupboards and removing anything processed. The kids are going to have a fit. Hopefully they can adjust and will understand the benefits of only eating pure healthy foods.
So that's the update for now. Hope you have a fantastic day!
LOL - at least you know that Dave wouldn't approve :-) . But that's just called "free will." right? ;-)