Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Time to blog again.

I figured since scrapbooking seems to be on the back burner lately I need to start sharing my daily stories here so I don't forget the little things.

Bailey is 5, for two more weeks at least, and going to start school next week. She gets to meet her teacher next week and is very excited. She keeps going through all of her new school clothes and putting little outfits together. I remember doing the same thing when I was little. I think I had my wardrobe set for the first two weeks of school. She is very smart with a bit of attitude. We are working on the talking back. She is the best big sister and keeps a close eye on Megan at all times. Her favorite things are still her kitty (stuffed animal), Little Pet Shop, books, and anything that involves a mess.

Megan is 19 months, where does the time go? This one has us on our toes at all times. She is sweet as can be but very mischevious and will not sit still for anything. We have decided we can no longer go to restaurants with her. It's just a nightmare. She runs and hides from us when we call her. She thinks it is hysterical. She loves her "blank" (blanket) and still uses a pacifier, or Sucky a/k/a mouth. She is starting to use more and more words. She doesn't eat hardly at all. The kid would only eat yogurt, cheese, yogos, and raisins if I let her...well that's really all she does eat since I can't get her to touch her dinner. I often feel like I have failed with her at meal times, but she's growing and healthy so there isn't much else I can do.

Kip is currently using the P90X program. He is halfway through and has lost 20 lbs and looks great. He seems to really be enjoying it. We purchased a boat this summer and he has decided to give bow hunting a try. Nothing like expensive hobbies for my husband.

I started running after memorial day. My longest run has been 3 miles. My norm is now 2 miles. I have gone from 10:30 miles to under 9:30. This is a huge accomplishment for me. I actually love running and hope I can keep it up through the winter. I have also been trying my hand at knitting and a little more sewing. I keep printing pictures but I never seem to scrapbook for some reason. My issue is that I cannot scrapbook with a messy house and it seems like there is always something that needs to be done. We finally took the house off the market after almost 3 years. It's so sad. Bailey managed to get into a school of choice school so the urgency isn't as much, but we still look forward to moving someday. We are going to give it another shot this summer but for the winter we are taking a break from it all. With how slow the market is it was really difficult to keep the house show-ready all the time for that random showing. I know what needs to be done to get it to sell, I just don't have the time.

That's us in a nutshell. I have no idea what will come of this blog. I'm hoping to keep it up better than the last.

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