Monday, January 9, 2012

Hitting the Pavement, again.

I have new goals lined up for 2012 and one of them is maintaining this dusty old blog. I find that I write more if I think someone else may read it. If nobody does, well that's fine too! It just helps me get things down if I think I might have an audience somewhere.

The Monday topic is going to cover Running and Exercise. I fell off the wagon so to speak and I need to hop back on. A couple years ago I quit my closet smoking addiction and filled that time with running. IT WAS HARD. I am not a natural runner at all. On top of the fact that I had damaged my lungs for so long, it was rough. I started walking/running and soon moved on to actual runs. After a couple months I no longer dreaded getting out there, quite honestly I looked forward to it. So much so that I ran a 1/2 marathon in 2010. Then I just stopped. I don't know why. Boredom perhaps? Lack of lofty goals? I'm not sure but once you stop it is so hard to start back up.

I tried last year, I really did. I even was running at a 9.30 mile pace, which is pretty good for me! I just didn't love it anymore. Kip was in school and it was really hard to find the time to get out and go. Really I made a lot of excuses. Tons of them in fact. It was too hot, too cold, I was tired, the kids needed something, I just wanted to relax, I didn't eat right that see it's easy to find excuses, there are thousands.

As of today I'm back in. I ran 2 miles at approx a 10 min pace. Not bad considering the amount of Christmas cookies that have somehow attached themselves to my rear end. My lungs burn. My body hurts. I am starving. But I feel good. So I'm going to try to get back out there tomorrow. If I can get 2-3 miles 5 days a week for a month I'm going to sign up for another Half Marathon. And if I can keep up running until May, I'm going to get new shoes. I love buying running clothes and shoes. I think it was part of the initial addiction. I mean I had to look good while running right? Umm. Wrong. All I really needed was good shoes and I would have been good. If I spent as much time running as I did surfing the web for running gear I could have run a marathon instead! But I really want new shoes, I just don't technically need them yet. I love the ones I have but I think if I run for 5 months more in my old ones I deserve new shoes. So here I am in all my glory. I can't wait for it to warm up so you can actually see the stylish cold running gear I just had to have!